
Birthday: 30th January 2020 Child Code: AO057 Hello, my name is Caroline. My favourite animal is a rabbit. I like playing with dolls. I enjoy eating sweet potatoes and ground nuts. Yellow is my favourite colour and at school I like learning about numbers. I want to become a teacher when I grow up. History: …

Beatrice Gifty

Birthday: 10th February 2020             Child Code: AO036 Hello, my name is Beatrice Gifty. My favourite animal is a sheep. I love playing with my friends. I enjoy eating sweet potatoes and groundnuts. My favourite colour is green and at school I like learning and counting numbers. I want to …

Noeline Emmanuella

Birthday: 4th December 2019.         Child Code: AO028 Hello, my name is Noeline Emmanuella. My favourite animal is a cow. My favourite colour is red. I enjoy eating rice and beans. At school I like to play skipping ropes with my friends and my favourite subject is colouring pictures. I want to …

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