Operation Uganda is an Australian faith based registered charitable organisation, and with your help we rescue and care for orphaned and vulnerable children and create sustainable community development projects in Uganda, one of the poorest countries in the world.
Operation Uganda focuses primarily on the most vulnerable and destitute. All the children in our scholarship program must meet a strict criteria of being either orphaned or vulnerable. The women in our empowerment projects are either widowed or solo mothers in destitute situations. Your support makes a real difference to the world’s most needy.
Our Mission in Uganda is to keep vulnerable children in families & school, and strengthen and develop communities.
Real Stories
Meet Grace AO003
Birthday: 1st December 2018 Child Code: AO003 Hello, my name is Grace. I like learning English at school and singing and dancing with my friends. My best food is rice and meat. My favourite animal is a cat. When I grow up, I want to be a nurse. History Grace …
Birthday: 27th July 2019 Hello, my name is Victor Paul. My favourite animal is cat. I like to play football with my friends. At school I like drawing pictures and my favourite colour is black. I like to eat beans and cassava. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. History: Victor Paul …
Birthday: 30th January 2020 Child Code: AO057 Hello, my name is Caroline. My favourite animal is a rabbit. I like playing with dolls. I enjoy eating sweet potatoes and ground nuts. Yellow is my favourite colour and at school I like learning about numbers. I want to become a teacher when I grow up. History: …
Birthday: 7th April 2018 Hello, my name is Shafigah. I like to play netball with my friends. I like learning about numbers and letters. I like to write. My favorite food is rice and beans. When I grow up I would like to be a teacher so I help …
Birthday: 21st May 2018 Hello, my name is Innocent. I like playing catch with my friends. My best food is rice and my favorite animal is an elephant. When I grow up, I want to be a truck driver. History Innocent is a vulnerable child …
Birthday: 7 September 2018 Hello, my name is Lynette. I like to study English at school and I like reading books, my favourite food is posho and beans. When I grow up, I would like to be a hair dresser. History: Lynette is an orphaned child. Her mother passed away …
Birthday: 29th June 2009 Hello, my name is Stephen, my favourite subject is English and I like reading books, I love playing soccer and dodgeball with my friends, when I grow up I hope to become a teacher. History: Stephen lives with his parents in a small grass roofed mud hut. His parents are subsistence …
Birthday: 8th April 2020 (Child Code: AO041) Hello, my name is Jonathan. My favourite animal is a goat. I like rolling tyres with a stick for a fun game. My favourite food is Irish potatoes and greens. I like the colour white and at school I like colouring …
Birthday: 16th December 2020 Hello, my name is Francis. My favourite colour is blue and I love colouring beautiful pictures. Dancing is my favourite activity. I enjoy eating rice and chicken as my favourite food. My favourite animal is a cow. When I grow up, I would like to be a policeman. History: Francis is …
Birthday: 2nd December 2018 Hello, my name is Jonathan. I love playing soccer with my friends and also playing catch. My best food is rice and beans. My favorite animal is a dog. When I grow up, I want to be a soldier. History Jonathan is a vulnerable child …
Birthday: 4th March 2020 Child Code: Hello, my name is Jeremiah. I enjoy playing soccer and colouring pictures. My favourite animal is the cow. I like to eat matooke (green banana) and chicken. Yellow is my favourite colour and I would like to become a farmer when I grow up. History: Jeremiah is a vulnerable …
Birthday: 5th August 2020 Hello, my name is Dalton. My favourite colour is red and my favourite animal is a goat. I love running and colouring as an activity in class. I like to eat chicken and matooke (green banana). When I grow up, I want to become a shop keeper. History: Dalton is a …
Birthday: 1st May 2015 Hello, my name is Pius. I love rabbits and my favorite colour is black. I enjoy playing soccer with my friends. At school I like to study English. When I grow up I would like to be a Doctor so I can help people. History Pius lives with his parents and …
Birthday: 18th June 2017 (Child Code: JHKC070) Hello, my name is Ivan. I like the colour black and a cow is my favourite animal. Skipping is my best game that I play at home. I love colouring pictures as a subject. Green bananas and beef …
Birthday: 24th June 2018 Hello, my name is Gladys. I like playing skipping ropes with my friends. I like reading books, and my favourite food is rice and chicken. My favourite animal is a squirrel. When I grow up, I want to be a nurse. History Gladys …
Birthday: 28th February 2017 Hello, my name is Swaburu. My favourite colour is red. My best animal is a cow. I like to read books at school and my favourite food is Irish (potato) and chicken. Hide and seek plus soccer are my favourite games which I play with my friends. I would love to …
Birthday: 20th December 2016 Child Code: Hello, my name is Gerald. My favourite colour is red. My best animal is a cow and my favourite food is rice and beans. I love matching different pictures and words. I like to play soccer with my friends. When I grow up, I would like to become a …
Birthday: 31st July 2018 Hello, my name is Gift. I love to read books and learn English. My favourite animal is a cow and I like the colour yellow. I like to play netball with my friends. When I grow up, I would like to become a nurse. History: Gift is a …
Birthday: 17th October 2017 Hello, my name is Stephanie and I love reading and playing netball with my friends. I like listening to the stories my mother tells me. My favourite food is beans and rice, and my favourite animal is a pig. When I grow up, I want …
Birthday: 18th April 2018 Hello, my name is Daniel. I love playing soccer with my twin brother Chris. My best food is rice and beans. My favorite animal is a pig. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. History Daniel is a vulnerable child living with his parents and six siblings (three …
Birthday: 4th December 2019. Child Code: AO028 Hello, my name is Noeline Emmanuella. My favourite animal is a cow. My favourite colour is red. I enjoy eating rice and beans. At school I like to play skipping ropes with my friends and my favourite subject is colouring pictures. I want to …
Birthday: 4th October 2019 (Child Code: AO063) Hello, my name is Jeffers Abraham. My favourite animal is a monkey. I like to play football with my friends at school. I enjoy eating posho and cowpeas. Black is my best colour and at school I like to draw and colour …
Birthday: 8th September 2020 (Child Code: AO014) Hello, my name is Francis. My favourite colour is blue and my best subject is drawing pictures. My favourite animal is a pig. I like to play running games with my friends. My favourite food is cassava and meat. When I grow up, I want to …
Birthday: 25th July 2010 Hello my name is Ambrose, my favourite subject is English and History. I like to read books and play soccer with my friends. When I grow up I want to be a teacher. History: Ambrose lives with his parents and brother and sister, in a small mud hut. Ambrose’s parents are …
Birthday: 14th December 2016 (Child Code: JHKC081) Hello, my name is Vickram. I like cows! My favourite colour is yellow and at school I like to match pictures to words. I love eating green bananas and chicken. I like to play a game called temple run …
Birthday: 3rd August 2020 (Child Code: AO007) Hello, my name is Raphael. My favourite animal is a cow. I enjoy playing soccer. My favourite food is sweet potatoes and beans. I like the colour green and at school I like learning to write. I want to be …
Birthday: 6th September 2020 Hello, my name is Kato. My favourite colour is green and my favourite animal is a cow. I love matching objects in class and my favourite game is soccer. I like to eat chips and chicken and when I grow up, I would like to become a teacher so I can …
There are over 2 million orphaned and vulnerable children in Uganda through child sponsorship and the rescue fund we are able to rescue and care for orphaned and vulnerable children.
Empower a Community
After years of war aids and extreme poverty local communities in Uganda have suffered. We empower communities through skills based training, education child sponsorship and development projects and initiatives.
Transform a Nation
One child at a time, one household at a time, one community at a time. Together we can transform a nation and help the poorest of poor out of poverty, one at a time and bring lasting change and transformation.
Sponsor a child
Create change. Change a child’s life today for as little as $1.50 a day.
Are you looking for an adventure in 2023, a trip with a purpose and meaning, our 2 week mission & adventure trips are fantastic you'll experience the real Uganda.
If you are a business, church or individual and would like to donate towards one of our major tax deductible development projects and bring lasting change ...
Join the rescue fund and help us provide emergency relief for those in desperate need, for as little a $10 per month you can help bring practical assistance the most needy
Secondary aged girls often miss up to a quarter of their school year due to the lack of access of sanitary items, for just $20 you can keep a girl in school.